Mission / Vision


Wilma Rudolph Learning Center’s mission is to foster a safe and supportive learning environment using evidenced-based learning strategies for all students. We will engage all stakeholders in providing an individualized, modified grade level appropriate curriculum focused on functional academics, communication, life skills, language development, social skills, and access to technology. As a community, we strive to nurture the development of the whole child (physical, intellectual, emotional, and social) through creative instructional programs and inclusive partnerships with families that support students in reaching their full potential.


Our vision for Rudolph is to create a learning environment that ensures each student access to a developmental scope & sequence that includes adapted grade level curriculum, functional academics, social skills, life skills, transitional/ English Learner (EL) supports, sensory and evidence-based behavioral strategies which will lead each student to increased independence and the essential knowledge to be active members of their community. In order to implement innovative practices, we are committed to data driven instruction; as well as, education for staff & family through professional development that is based on student needs.

Wilma Rudolph Learning Center

Dr. Dawn Hill. Principal
Ethel Barker, Assistant Principal

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  • Phone:
  • Fax: 773-534-7466
  • .
  • Address:
    1628 W. Washington Blvd,
  • Door #2 
  • Chicago Ill. 60612
  • School Hours:
    7:45am - 2:45pm